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The Hillside B&B

Living room interior.

Beautiful white bed and breakfast house.
Breakfast pancakes served.


Experience a unique B&B in a historic home with private driveway and entrance. Enjoy first and second floors, optional private breakfast, and tranquil wooded acre. Fully stocked for comfort, with breathtaking lake views. Close to Wisconsin Dells entertainment, dining, water sports, winter activities, and natural beauty.

97426/wisconsin-dells-accomodations/The-Hillside-BB2840-01<p>Experience a unique B&amp;B in a historic home with private driveway and entrance. Enjoy first and second floors, optional private breakfast, and tranquil wooded acre. Fully stocked for comfort, with breathtaking lake views. Close to Wisconsin Dells entertainment, dining, water sports, winter activities, and natural beauty.</p>The Hillside B&B/Files/Partner-Images/Accomm-Partner-Images/The-Hillside-Bed-and-Breakfast-interior.jpgLiving room interior.Charming B&B in historic home with private entrance, optional breakfast, serene surroundings, lake views, and close to Wisconsin Dells attractions.The Hillside B&B97411/Places/Accommodation/The-Hillside-BB.htm2840-011140 Canyon RdWisconsin DellsWI53965(608) 339-1719guesthousehillsideld@gmail.com Hillside B&BAge GroupAttraction TypeBlog - Age GroupBlog - CategoryBlog - SeasonCommunity TypeConvention AmenitiesCountry - NWS Data ModulesDeal CategoryDining TypeDiscountDowntown CategoryEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent CategoryEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesExpected AttendanceIcon SetLocality - NWS Data ModulesLodging TypeMemberThe Hillside B&BNWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesPlaces Country - NWS Data ModulesUnited StatesRegion - NWS Data ModulesShopping TypeSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSports AmenitiesSports CategorySports Facility TypesSupplier TypeTopic - NWS Data ModulesVisitor Services TypeWaterpark TypeAge GroupAmenitiesBreakfastBreakfast IncludedFireplaceInternet AvailableRefrigerator/Microwave/Full KitchenAttraction TypeBlog - Age GroupBlog - CategoryBlog - SeasonCommunity TypeConvention AmenitiesCountry - NWS Data ModulesDeal CategoryDining TypeDiscountDowntown CategoryEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent CategoryEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesExpected AttendanceLocality - NWS Data ModulesLodging TypeBed & BreakfastsVacation Home RentalsMemberThe Hillside B&BNWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesPlaces Country - NWS Data ModulesRegion - NWS Data ModulesSeasonALLShopping TypeSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSports AmenitiesSports CategorySports Facility TypesSupplier TypeTopic - NWS Data ModulesVisitor Services TypeWaterpark Type49062024-07-25T12:26:39.38700
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1140 Canyon Rd
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965


(608) 339-1719