Hot Dog Avenue is located right across from Noah's Ark. We are a local's & visitor's favorite for our Vienna Hot Dogs: featuring the Chicago Dog & local's favorite: We have indoor & outdoor seating as well as a drive-thru. We also are now serving beer for indoor dining! So stop on in and see what we're cooking at the Ave!
- 47287/wisconsin-dells-restaurants/Hot-Dog-Avenue2170-01Hot Dog Avenue is located right across from Noah's Ark. We are a local's & visitor's favorite for our Vienna Hot Dogs: featuring the Chicago Dog & local's favorite: We have indoor & outdoor seating as well as a drive-thru. We also are now serving beer for indoor dining! So stop on in and see what we're cooking at the Ave!Hot Dog Avenue/Files/Partner-Images/Rest-Bar-Partner-Images/HotDogAvenue1.jpgA variety of hot dogs and fries from Hot Dog Avenue.Get restaurant info for Hot Dog Avenue - view the menu, see location information, map the address, add it to your travel itinerary & more.Hot Dog Avenue38252/Places/Restaurant--Bar/Hot-Dog-Avenue.htm2170-011321 Wisconsin Dells PkwyWisconsin DellsWI53965(608) 253-2728hotdogavenue@yahoo.comhttp://www.dellshotdogavenue.com//Files/Images/Global-Images/GoogleMap_Default.jpghttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Hot-Dog-Avenue/106417422721856?ref=searchHot Dog AvenueAge GroupAttraction TypeBlog - Age GroupBlog - CategoryBlog - SeasonCommunity TypeConvention AmenitiesCountry - NWS Data ModulesDeal CategoryDining TypeDiscountDowntown CategoryEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent CategoryEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesExpected AttendanceIcon Set
- Gift Card
Locality - NWS Data ModulesLodging TypeMember- Hot Dog Avenue
NWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesPlaces Country - NWS Data Modules- United States
Region - NWS Data ModulesShopping TypeSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSports AmenitiesSports CategorySports Facility TypesSupplier TypeTopic - NWS Data ModulesVisitor Services TypeWaterpark TypeAge GroupAmenities- Beer/Wine/Cocktails
- Carry-Out
- Dinner
- Lunch
Attraction TypeBlog - Age GroupBlog - CategoryBlog - SeasonCommunity TypeConvention AmenitiesCountry - NWS Data ModulesDeal CategoryDining Type- Casual Dining
- Kid-Friendly
Discount- Gift Card
Downtown CategoryEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent CategoryEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesExpected AttendanceLocality - NWS Data ModulesLodging TypeMember- Hot Dog Avenue
NWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesPlaces Country - NWS Data ModulesRegion - NWS Data ModulesSeason- ALL
Shopping TypeSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSports AmenitiesSports CategorySports Facility TypesSupplier TypeTopic - NWS Data ModulesVisitor Services TypeWaterpark Type163232022-11-21T13:44:48.17300

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